Kyenjojo Mission

Kyenjojo is a town
in the Western Region
of Uganda.

In 2020, the mid-year population of
Kyenjojo Town Council was projected at 28,600. It was calculated that the population of he town
increased at an average annual rate of 3.8 percent, between 2015 and 2020.

Our team was in the district and joined the Mother of our CEO during a thanksgiving celebration and they distributed gifts and served children and adults with a meal to thank God the life of our vision bearer's mother.

Uganda is the land of many opportunities, possibilities, for helping humanity and our volunteers are incredible people who share our mission to spread love not hatred as we build Uganda’s next generation of leaders that will have the potential for accelerated growth, self-sustainability, environmental conservation and all-around development.

"We Spread Love not Hatred"

Working Hours: 8:00 - 18:00, Phone: + (256) 703023868, - All Rights Reserved.