MAA members delivering items for distribution to the needy children in the Kigobe - Lugala area, Lubya Praish, Rubaga division, Kampala district.
In Uganda MAA members provide care, education and scholastic martials to the needy children in the communities. The use of life-skills lessons, arts, sports together with counselling and psychosocial activities have been adapted in our community outreach programs.
As MAA, we believe that outreach activities need to go beyond visits, if impact is to be visible, this is why we go beyond streets visits into the homes and provide things like clothing and toiletries which are vital to girls’ safety and self-esteem.
In order to deal with the impact of sexual abuse, early motherhood and involvement in commercial sex work. We provide health education, including reproductive health and HIV prevention and care, not only to girls, but boys as well with the aim building a generation of healthy, educated and productive people in our communities.
"We Spread Love not Hatred"