MUVWAMU Achiever’s Association started in 2022 by Mugisa Abraham Hamada, raised up in Kagadi district by a single mother of 5 children, who worked hard to take care of them. Because of living with a single mother, he struggled throughout his entire school life doing all sorts of odd jobs to help their mother to make ends meet. This shaped him into the person he is today, a man who never gives up until the goal is achieved.
In an effort to sustain his life after failing to find a reasonable and sustainable job in Uganda, he joined a company that recruited many energetic young people to go and provide security in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia which missions he did successfully.
He realized that the young people would go to work and send money back home to support their families, buy land, build a house and start up a business that would sustain them after their working contracts were terminated. Unfortunately, due to their limited financial literacy and business skills, many end up losing their money to con men or relatives who use the money for their good.
To address this challenge, Abraham started supporting young people by building their financial literacy skills and also advising them on how to use their income efficiently. He also recognized the vulnerabilities in communities where children dropout of school because they lack basics like books, shoes, school uniforms, feeding, and other basics of life. This coupled with the struggling single mothers and the elderly who struggle to sustain their lives inspired Abraham to start a association that mobilized resources from friends to support such people.
So far, the association has registered 80 members –especially migrant workers who have subscribed to ensure that the foundation supports their efforts of putting their hard-earned money into good use, but also mobilizes support for their help in case of any eventualities.
Mugisa is married to Resty Mugisa and together they four children three boys and one girl.
"We Spread Love not Hatred"